
November 30, 2021 - Join the Governance Forum to Discuss v3 Code Licensing, An Update on Aave Grants, $aENS, and More

A recap of the Aave ecosystem, November 22nd to November 28th 2021

Helping shine light on proposals anons don't know about, featuring coverage on Aave Weekly ⚡️ , Aave Grants DAO update 🏗 , State of the protocol 📰 , Ecosystem 🧉 , Governance ⚖️, Upcoming events 📆 , and Water cooler 🆒

Join the governance forum now and participate in important conversations on the future of Aave including what license Aave v3 should be released with 👀


Aave Weekly ⚡️

The Aave Weekly Newsletter brings readers insights on protocol liquidity, income and other performance metrics.

The Aave Protocol closes week 48 of 2021 with $25.9 billion of liquidity:

  • 42.3% Utilisation, generating $9.4m of estimated interest for depositors
  • $216m of Flash Loan volume, generating $193k of fees for depositors
  • $20.7m liquidated, generating $1.5m of fees to liquidators
  • $773k for the ecosystem collectors now holding $35.9m
  • $11.8m generated by the protocol this week
  • With an additional $2.4m $StkAAVE, $2.8m $WMATIC & $5.4m $WAVAX distributedat the weekly close price*Polygon figures are approximated due to the Graph data being out of sync

Protocol Liquidity


Protocol Usage


Safety Module


You can download the Aave Weekly pdf from the governance forum.

Aave Grants DAO update 🏗

State of the protocol 📰

Ecosystem 🧉

Governance ⚖️

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Upcoming Events 📆

Water cooler 🆒

Mark Cuban, the Aavenger đź‘»

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