Napier Finance

Napier Finance

Napier Finance - $1000 - ETHOnline 2022

  • Napier is the most efficient fixed-yield markets. The competitive advantage is Napier Space AMM featuring "unified liquidity". It is the most capital efficient AMM for any yield sources and Principal tokens. ----- Our Solution : Unified Principal Tokens Liquidity ------ Napier integrates the liquidity of various Principal Tokens(PT) such as AAVE, Compound, Yearn and Euler into one Napier Principal Token(nPT), in the case with same underlying, same maturity, different yield source. As a result, the LP's average exchange fee APY will potentially increase several times. Basically better LP profitability attracts more liquidity, which results in lower slippage. In short, with the more exponential birth of yield source protocols, the more Napier's ecosystem is expected to grow.