
August 2, 2021 - Community Call Three, Optimism, and Opportunities to Build

A recap of the Aave ecosystem, July 26th to August 1st, 2021

Welcome to Aave News 👻 A community newsletter by the community, for the community.

Keep reading for coverage on: Aave Grants DAO Update 🏗 , State of the protocol 📰 , Ecosystem 🧉 , Governance ⚖️ , New market watch 💹 , Mark your calendar 📆 , Aavengers in the wild 🎙 , and Water cooler 🆒

Aave Grants DAO Update 🏗

Third community call. We had our third community call (second on Twitter Spaces!) on July 29th. See below for a recap from each speaker. Thank you so much to everyone who joined and made it possible!

Welcome Remarks by Stani

  • The first step in Aave becoming more community owned is through funding ecosystem grants. The next step is for for more protocol development to come from the community (cc: Developers DAO).

Updates on Aave Grants DAO by @HelloShreyas

  • New grants: Sponsored Gitcoin Hackathon and ETH Global, DeFi Alliance, Boardroom.
  • Retroactive recognition of thoughtful governance posts from individual governance participants with $AAVE rewards.
  • Long term vision is to decentralize the grant decision and funding process.
  • Apply now to join the Developers DAO - be a developer for the Aave protocol!

Aave Grants DAO high priority RFPs by @inkymaze

Four projects from the Aave Grants DAO: Flipside Crypto, Boardroom, Symphony Finance, and DeFi Alliance

@Avimeyers from Flipside Crypto

  • rAAVE'er in Paris 👻
  • @FlipsideCrypto offers free access to labeled on chain-data. They bounty out questions weekly and reward communities across DeFi with protocol tokens.
  • Main focuses: Education, and user acquisition/retention by getting $AAVE into the hands of users building and growing the ecosystem.
  • 🚨 Announcement: Launching their CEA program in mid-August, including a scavenger hunt to incentive their analysts; also launching easy and hard bounties for their Discord community.
  • Rolling out Polygon analytics soon 👀

@kevinknielsen from Boardroom

  • @boardroom_info is a governance framework agnostic interface that allows users to better engage by standardizing actions like voting and delegating.
  • The Aave governance portal launched two weeks ago. Users can view proposals, learn about the governance process, vote, and ideate with the community in a Web3 native environment before an idea becomes a proposal.
  • Start proposing, delegating and voting now!

@0x_kakashi from Symphony Finance

  • @SymphonyFinance is creating profit maximizing limit orders. The protocol maximizes DeFi composability by allowing assets to earn yield in Aave while they are waiting for a limit order to execute.
  • Jump into their Discord server for updates and if you have any questions.

@DangerWillRobin from DeFi Alliance - extended AMA

  • @DefiAlliance is an accelerator and network of of people invested in growing DeFi to one billion users by 2025. They find the best DeFi projects to join their six-week accelerator program for free.
  • Aave joined as an Ecosystem Partner which will see DeFi Alliance help foster development on top of the Aave ecosystem.
  • Aave has grown so big that it is now its own layer that teams can build on top of.
  • Apply for DeFi Alliance's 5th cohort by August 11th - it kicks off August 23rd!

Governance updates by @statelayer

Update on liquidity mining by @anjan_vinod

  • Top priority right now: what the liquidity mining program should look like going forward. Extended existing program to give the community more time to debate and figure out a new program.
  • Join the conversation in the forums - this has huge implications for the future of Aave.

Liquidity mining by @tokenbrice

Curve-Aave Alliance by @dydymoon1

  • treasury swap with Curve could have a number of benefits, including allowing the treasury to earn a boosted yield in Curve pools, and getting a voice in Curve governance. A vote on Snapshot showed positive feedback from the community.

Technical updates by @The3D_

Update from Ampleforth by @brandoniles

State of the protocol 📰

Polygon upgrade. Managing your Aave position on Polygon just got easier - the collateral swap feature from main net is now on Polygon 🥳

More metrics. Check out:

Ecosystem 🧉

Aave Memes. Every week there is a new theme and fresh pool of $850 awarded to the top three memes. Follow @AAVEMemes to be the first to know the theme and to see the winners each week.

Deposit 3 / 4. Good Ghosting's saving pool from EthCC is in the third week. Friendly reminder to make your deposit this week if you are in the pool!

Governance ⚖️

Governance forum. Dive in and explore all the conversations going on in the governance forum. Who knows, it may even pay dividends some day 👀

New market watch 💹

OHM ARC. The Olympus and Aave communities are heading for closer alignment with a new ARC to add sOHM as collateral. This is after a recent $1million DAI deposit into Aave from Olympus.

Mark your calendar 📆

SmartCon by @Smart_Contract - August 5th to 7th

AAVE behind the scenes by Alex Berto G by @BlockchainGirls - August 10th at 1 pm ET

Stani will be speaking at:

Aavengers in the wild 🎙

Taking DeFi to institutions. @RebeccaRettig1 and @chainyoda talk institutions coming to DeFi and what they are seeing at Aave. From EthCC!

New Stani Pod. Catch Stani's latest podcast appearance! It's a good one 🍿

Water cooler 🆒

Optimism. Testing for Aave's new home on Optimism continues. When the market launches, the community is ready to go in terms of governance after @lemiscate unveiled the Aave cross-chain governance bridge at EthCC - great recap by Tally

Aave News out, bring on a great week.

Please direct all feedback and requests to @0xbilll!

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